Top 10 Best Blog Hosting Sites 2025
Previous year in 2018 there were 1,766,926,408 websites went live. Would you trust that in 1995 there were just 23,500 live web pages including Altavista, Amazon, AuctionWeb etc, each one with 1,908 clients?
This data shows that the people understood the worth of having blog and website for small businesses personal use to share information and thoughts. It is revelation that indicates the growth in in the ease of use of creating web pages in the course of the most recent 23 years.
It is for sure that nearly everybody can supports for setting up a basic blog or website. In any case, why bring to an end with basic and tedious website? The best blog hosts listed here on in this page can take a basic website as well blog from yak to aha.
Want to know how to start a blog? Check out my Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide.
All best blog web hosting providers are not equal in terms of features, plans, pricing support etc. In any case you are planning to start your first blog or having one well-established with huge followers, the best blog hosting providers listed here will help you make contact with your targeted audience. Whatever is the situation, you don’t have to struggle a lot while choosing best blog hosting company for your blog because here on this page we have listed out best web hosting companies with expert reviews and detailed analysis on the features and services provided by them.
How to find best blog hosting service for your website?
The first and foremost question comes to the mind while looking for the best blog hosting sites is how much it will cost? Low cost or free hosting service may not be the best option for your website because it can negatively affect the performance of your website. It is better to check few of the top hosting choices available and compare them based on hosting charges. Following are the top features that you need to consider in a best blog host for your blog:
Customer Service & Support- Customer service and support available with hosting provider is the first thing you need to consider while looking for best blog host. Make sure customer support is available 24/7 via multiple ways such as live chat, email, phone and ticket system.
Hosting Features- Most of the novice bloggers wish to perform most of the tasks for them. Make sure your selected blog host provides you with all the necessary features such as free website builder, free marketing credits, Free SSL certificates, free domain name, enough storage space and many more.
Website loading time and speed- These days online users want a website to load fast, in average 2 seconds.If your website is loading longer than 2 seconds, potentially you are going to lose your potential customers. Make sure you select a host for your blog which provide fast servers to that your website can load fast.
Website Security- Security is another important factor you need to consider while looking for budget blog hosting provider in India for your website. Ensure that the hos you re going to choose is having highly secured server, so that your website will be protected from viruses and malware attacks.
Types of Hosting Server
Mainly there are 4 different types of web hosting servers known as Shared Server, one of the cheapest option available but there are hundreds of websites hosted on one single server and each website share the resources with other. 2nd option is VPS , it is little bit costlier than shared server, while VPS also shares server space with other websites but there is no resources sharing between other websites on the same server. The 3rd hosting server option is dedicated server which is one of the most costly option to host a website. 4th type of server is a cloud server hosting. It is one of the advanced form of hosting where multiple interconnected server acts as one single server. It is one of the highest secured hosting server option available in the industry.
Few Quick Facts about Blog Hosting
Here’s some facts about blog hosting and this review’s contents:
In rest of the review i am going to discuss in details why I recommend Bluehost for new bloggers wish to start new blog. After reading this complete review you will have clear idea about where to host your new blog or well established blog.
Recommended Blog Hosting Provider for all New Bloggers
Everyday there are numerous of bloggers ask me about recommendation on best place to host their new blog. Mainly there are 4 steps you need to start a blog for example:
Sign up with Bluehost ->> Get a Domain Name and Hosting Account ->> Install WordPress ->> Get started with blogging
So why choose WordPress as your blogging platform?
There are numerous reasons to choose Wordpress as your blogging platform, such as:
Keep in mind, WordPress means not Second one is free blogging platform ate the first one is free CMS platform that you can use to create your website by installing it on you host such as Bluehost.
Why is the best Blog host for WordPress CMS?
We have personally used Bluehost and recommended them for many users of UpdatedReviews, websites, and online projects.
Our and our users experience with Bluehost is really good and this is the reason we feel much comfortable promoting Bluehost on our web blog, We have become partner of them and we get commission when someone signs up via our website and at the same time our valuable visitors get a huge discounts.
Following are the top benefits and reasons of hosting your blog with Bluehost:
Ready to Set up your own Blog? Get Started with Bluehost for best Blog Hosting Services
If you have made your mind to start your own blog for personal or business use, we have a step by step guide on how to start a blog with WordPress using Bluehost hosting. This guide contains images, screenshots of everything you need to set up your blog within few minutes.