The Merits of Using Cloud-Based Antivirus?
Cloud-based antivirus performs all the antivirus workloads on the cloud-based server. It does not use the user’s device with a complete antivirus suite. Traditional antivirus uses your device processing power to perform its task whereas cloud-based antivirus installs a small client on the user's device whereas all the analysis and other activities are done on the cloud. Today people prefer cloud-based antivirus over traditional antivirus as the cloud-based antivirus has minimum system impact. Here are the major merits/benefits of using cloud-based antivirus:
Cloud-based antivirus not only removes the existing malware from your device but also keeps the PC protected from new viruses. Activate Norton Product Key and get zero-day protection. It keeps the device secure from new threats. New threats can easily enter the device until it gets identified by cyber security companies. But identifying the malware may take a few days or weeks. Zero-day protection prevents all the new threats according to their suspicious behavior. Now, most of the device has a robust interface. These devices can easily tackle viruses and other threats. But for dealing with strong malware, you need good antivirus which can deal with dangerous threats.
Using cloud-based antivirus provides good network protection which can keep the network secured from various online threats. Cloud-based security is a better option to deal with network protection as it will not affect your device. For traditional antivirus, it detects and removes the threats when the malware enters the device. But cloud-based antivirus detects all the internet threats before they enter the device. It immediately blocks the network and makes sure that no malware can enter the device.
Cloud-based antivirus provides non local processing which means all the work will be done outside your device and do not affect your device. While traditional antivirus has some impact on your device. It uses RAM while scanning and performing other jobs. If you use the real-time scan features then your antivirus will run actively on your device. It will ruin your device performance as the antivirus uses the RAM while running in the background. For cloud-based antivirus, you just have to give the scan command and all the scanning and analysis will perform on clouds that do not use your RAM a lot. All the analysis will occur on the remote side so your device will not have to compromise with any virus. The antivirus will deal with the device remotely before it enters the device or harms your data.
Cloud antivirus provides analytics and behavior protection. If you are using a traditional antivirus then you can’t inspect the email whether it is safe or not before opening it. It is quite possible that the second you click on any malicious link; malware enters the device. But cloud antivirus manages all the threats before they enter the device. The email protection feature of cloud antivirus inspects the email before loading on your device. It immediately checks the email. If the antivirus finds any suspicious behavior then it immediately sends the email in your spam folder. Email is one of the top ways for phishing and hacking. But cloud-based scanning prevents the user from these kinds of activities and ensures that the user is secure on the internet.
Cloud-based antivirus programs are best for secure browsing. When you search for anything on your internet browser; it shows you various results. People often think that the top showing pages on the web browsers are secure. But this is not true. Some of the top pages can also be malicious. You should access the secure pages for keeping the device safe. But identifying the pages is not easy. Some pages look reliable but can be malicious. If you have a cloud-based antivirus then it will immediately scan all the result pages before loading the pages on your web browser. It will show the users which web pages are secure to access which are not. This feature reduces the chances of getting malicious threats on the device. Cloud-based antivirus immediately compares the data or file you are accessing with other files on the internet. If it finds any malicious content on the file then the antivirus reports it on the cloud and does not load the file on your device. This feature helps to prevent all similar kinds of malware from entering the device. Cloud-based antivirus provides multi-level protection and uses various types of algorithms for catching the malware. The malware detection and removal speed of cloud-based antivirus is very good as compared to traditional antivirus. If you want to provide better security to your data and network without compromising with your device performance then you must install a good cloud-based antivirus on your device so you can work on your device without any security concerns.